Webinar Teaches Ways to Amplify Contributions of Physician Board Members

The webinar Maximizing Contributions of Physician Board Members from noon to 1 p.m. EST Oct. 17 will guide attendees to utilize physician expertise related to advising on patient care decisions, the ethical considerations around biomedical, artificial intelligence and transparency, and the best approaches to planning and executing change in technology and clinical care.

Participants will also receive ideas about how to better orient physicians to the board and handle inherent physician independence and potential conflicts of interest.

MHA members can register an unlimited number of board members for $195 per hospital. By attending the webinar, participants may earn up to one ACHE Qualified Education Hour toward initial certification or recertification of the Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) designation.

Members with questions regarding the webinar series may contact Erica Leyko at the MHA.