MHA Webinar on Maximizing Contributions of Physician Board Members

How can leadership utilize the distinct skills and expertise of physician board members?

The MHA webinar Maximizing Contributions of Physician Board Members will take place from noon to 1 p.m. EST Oct. 17 will present research findings about the perceptions and experiences of physician board members and outline recommendations to maximize physician talent.

Participants will explore the key role physicians play in planning strategy and advising on patient care decisions, merger and acquisition activity and consolidation, ethical considerations around biomedical, artificial intelligence, transparency and other policies. Additionally, participants will learn strategies to effectively integrate physicians onto a board, how to facilitate physician independence and manage potential conflicts of interest.

MHA members can register for $195 per hospital. Participants may earn up to four ACHE Qualified Education Hours toward initial certification or recertification of the Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) designation.

Members with questions about webinar series should be directed to Erica Leyko at the MHA.