AI and Workforce Development Webinar Series Offers CME Credit

The MHA and other state hospital associations are hosting a webinar series in partnership with the Huron Consulting Group Aug. 10 through Nov. 9 from 1 – 2 p.m. EST. CME and continuing education credit for nurses and pharmacists is available for each webinar attended. By attending the MHA Virtual Leadership Series, participants may earn up to four (4) ACHE Qualified Education Hours toward initial certification or recertification of the Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) designation.

The Aug. 10 webinar, How AI @ Work Will Advance Human Intelligence, presented by Gurpreet Dhaliwal, MD, will outline how artificial intelligence will affect data systems and readiness, clinician training and engagement and ethical frameworks. Additional topics focus on well-being and resilience, effective communication and conflict management and workforce attraction and engagement.

The MHA-member registration fee for all four webinars, with a maximum of 25 registered users, is a flat rate of $500. Members may contact Erica Leyko at the MHA to register at the group rate. Individuals can register for $100 per login per webinar, or for all four webinars for a flat-rate fee of $375.

Members with questions regarding the webinar series should contact Erica Leyko at the MHA.