Updates on Medicare Advantage Enrollment & Proposed Rule

The MHA recently updated its analysis of Medicare enrollment data to reflect Medicare enrollment as a percentage of each county’s total population and the split for Medicare between traditional fee-for-service and Medicare Advantage (MA). Statewide, nearly 22% of the total population is enrolled in Medicare.

Total Medicare enrollment is approximately 2.21 million, with 60% of beneficiaries enrolled in a MA plan.  MA enrollment as a percentage of total Medicare enrollment varies by county, ranging from 43% to 75%. November enrollment spread across 49 MA plans with up to 32 plans covering beneficiaries in some Michigan counties.

The MHA recently submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on the 2025 MA proposed rule. The MHA continues to urge the CMS to hold MA plans accountable for complying with provisions of the 2024 MA final rule and recommend the CMS impose intermediate sanctions, civil monetary penalties or terminate contracts of noncompliant plans.

Members with enrollment questions should contact the Health Finance team at the MHA.