MHA Launches New Governance Affinity Group

Hospitals and health systems face significant adversity, yet Michigan providers continue to provide high quality and accessible healthcare to their communities, in great part because of governing boards, executives and staff leadership. Board and committee chairs are the role models for the board. Governance success is dependent on the chair’s ability to develop trustful relationships with the executive leadership team and fellow board members, create strategy-based agendas and guide discussion to ensure meeting effectiveness.

The new MHA Governance Affinity Group will help members develop expertise and judgement, communication skills and learn to facilitate an organized, focused process for debate. The affinity group consists of two 90-minute virtual sessions to be held Jan. 23 and March 12, customized agendas centered on discussion and access to governance articles and templates in a dedicated portal. The group is limited to 50 people serving as a board chair, chair-elect, vice chair or committee chair.

The tuition for membership in the affinity group is $2,500 to register a maximum of four people who serve as board chair, board chair-elect, vice chair or a committee chair on the same board. Tuition for more than four people on the same board is $6,375.

Members can register by contacting Erica Leyko at the MHA. Members with questions should contact Erin Steward at the MHA